


Diet How does Dairy affect your health

It has been well documented that Dairy can lead to serious illnesses in its own right or in combination with other factors. It also has a calming influence on the digestive system. But what is the price to pay? World-wide, men seem far more likely to die of prostate cancer in countries where dairy consumption is high than in countries where it is low. A study published in 1977 revealed that 10 men die of prostate cancer in Western Europe for every one who dies in Asia. What about this growth hormone they feed cows with in the USA? Fifty years ago, the average cow produced 20,000 pounds of milk every year.

Today, top producing bovines are producing 50,000 pounds per year. This dramatic increase is due to antibiotics, drugs and recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). The use of rBGH can cause udder infections in our bovine. So, more antibiotics are given to the poor animals.

This and the pesticides ingested by the animal find their way to our plates and glasses. "The milk from cows treated with rBGH contains elevated levels insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), one of the most powerful growth factors ever identified. IGF-1 doesn't cause cancer but it can stimulate its growth.

Recent studies have found a seven-fold increase in the risk of breast cancer in women with the highest IGF-1 levels, and a four-fold increase in prostate cancer in men with the highest levels of IGF-1. In 1995 researchers at the National Institutes of Health reported that IGF-1 plays a central role in the progression of many childhood cancers and in the growth of tumours in breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, melanoma, and cancers of the pancreas and prostate. In September 1997 an international team of researchers reported the first epidemiological evidence that high IGF-1 concentrations are closely linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. The effects of IGF-1 concentrations on prostate cancer risk were found to be astoundingly large - much higher than for any other known risk factor. Men having an IGF-1 level between approximately 300 and 500 ng/mL were found to have more than four times the risk of developing prostate cancer than did men with a level between 100 and 185 ng/mL.

" The good news is that the European Union has a ban on IGF-1 treated cows. Keep an eye on the news if you live in the UK though. We are never far behind the USA? Casein, the protein in cheese, milk, cream, butter and other dairy foods cannot be assimilated easily and begins to accumulate in an undigested state in the upper intestine, putrefying, producing toxins, and leading to a weakening of the gastric, intestinal, pancreatic and biliary systems as well as mucous deposits.

The inability to digest milk or other dairy products is known as lactose intolerance and is found in about 50 to 90% of the world's population groups with the exception of those of Scandinavian origin. Dairy food according to Macrobiotic principles affects the breast, uterus, ovaries, prostate, thyroid, nasal cavities, pituitary gland, the cochlea in the ear, and the cerebral area surrounding the mid brain. Its adverse affects first appear as an accumulation of mucus and fat and then the formation of cysts, tumours and finally cancer. Many people who eat or have eaten dairy food have an accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavities and inner ear often resulting in hay fever and hearing problems.

Consumption of dairy food leads to stones in the kidney and the gallbladder. The development of breast cysts and tumours and finally breast cancer. In Asia, where many people drink no milk at all, breast cancer tends to be rare. In rural China, for example, among women aged 35 to 64, Campbell found that breast cancer deaths averaged 8.

7 per 100,000, as opposed to 44 per 100,000 in the US, about a 5-fold difference. Other problems include vaginal discharges, ovarian cysts, fibrosis and uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate fat accumulation including infertility. Mucous accumulation in the lungs can cause breathing difficulties and possible asthma. This with tobacco traps tars may lead to cancer of the lungs.

Other problems include cramps, diarrhoea, allergies, iron-deficiency, and aggressive and antisocial behaviour. Atherosclerosis, heart attacks arthritis, type 1 diabetes and several forms of cancer. According to a report published by the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology Committee on Adverse Reactions to Food (part of the National Institutes of Health), the allergies of up to one third of children tested cleared after milk was removed from their diet. Are other dairy products safer than milk? Each bite of hard cheese has TEN TIMES whatever was in that sip of milk.

because it takes ten pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Each bite of ice cream has 12 times . and every swipe of butter 21 times whatever is contained in the fat molecules in a sip of milk.

What do (educated) researchers and scientists says about dairy? Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, a prestigious nutritional biochemist at Cornell University states: * The ultimate problem with cow's milk is that nature concocts different formulas of mother's milk for different species.

What's good for baby calves isn't necessarily good for human babies or adults. "Isn't it strange that we're the only species that suckles from another species?" * Dr. Campbell theorises that cow's milk unnaturally stimulates enzymes and growth hormones in the human body that increase the risk of various diseases.

* He has also come to the conclusion that cow's milk may not even do what it is supposed to do best - build strong bones, since recent studies suggest that humans may need less calcium for strong bones than was once believed. Additionally, other foods, including various vegetables and legumes, may be a better source than cow's milk. In 1965, Dr. Campbell worked as co-ordinator of a US Aid project in the Philippines, where poverty stricken children were dying mysteriously from liver cancer believed to be linked to malnutrition. However, to his surprise, Campbell discovered that the incidence of liver cancer was especially high among some of the best nourished kids, whose diets were supplemented with powdered milk provided through a US subsidised program. He was completely baffled until he read about a 1968 research study conducted in India and published in the Archives of Pathology (Arch Pathol 1968 Feb;85(2):133-7), which linked a milk protein to liver cancer in lab rats.

Homogenisation and pasteurisation Milk is typically pasteurised more than once to kill off the germs before it gets to your table. every time at 162 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds. This process unfortunately also kills the enzymes that would allow us to better digest the stuff and also gets rid of some 50% of the vitamins. Several studies have demonstrated that calves that were fed their mother's milk that had been pasteurised died within 60 days.

Don't you just love it! Raw, unpasteurised, milk contains beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidolphilus, which holds putrefactive bacteria in check. You may ask yourself by now: Why do we bother to pasteurise? The answer to this is very simple: 1. It allows farmers and suppliers to keep the milk longer before it goes bad.

2. It allows farmers to have slacker standards of cleanliness Homogenisation breaks up large milk molecules into small ones allowing them to get into the bloodstream! This becomes an expressway for any fat-borne toxins (lead, dioxin's, etc.) into your (otherwise) most protected organs. Without homogenisation, large fat molecules cannot get through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. The cream no longer rises. because homogenisation Statistics "In 1981 Stephen Seely.

obtained mortality data from the World Health Organisation. and calculated correlation coefficients for various foods and food components. comparing quantity consumed with mortality rates from different countries. (Seely) found that milk and milk products gave the highest correlation coefficient, while sugar, animal proteins and animal fats came in second, third, and fourth, respectively.".

Patrick Hamouy runs a school of Alternative Therapies with branches in West London and Brighton (UK). He teaches Reiki Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic Development. He sees customers for consultations.in Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of toxic products from the home environment Full information on his web site at: http://www.therapies.com

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