


Pest Control Keeps the Critters Away

Pests in and around our homes and businesses is something we can't 100 percent control, but we do have ways of keeping it under control; it's called pest control. Current trends in pest control are more humane ways of taking care of rats, mice, and moles. Sonic sounds are the newest way of keeping bugs and rodents out of our homes. This device sends out high pitched sonic waves that we can not hear, but mice, rats, and insects can. It doesn't kill them, but sends them elsewhere.

Another pest control procedure inside your home is to keep all food put away. Keep the areas under the stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher clean. Store any dry foods such as rice, pasta, grain, cereal, and pet food in glass or plastic containers and tightly sealed to keep rodents or insects out of it. If there is nothing for them to eat, they will travel else where to get food. Other ways of pest control is to be sure to cover all hole leading to the outside.

If you have a floor drain, be sure the drain holes aren't big enough for a mouse to slip though. Insects on the other hand will be able to slip in, but if you have the sonic wave's plugged into your outlets in the area where the drain is, you should not have to worry about them sneaking into your home. You can also place screen in the floor drains. Water can still flow though it, but no pests can slip inside your home. To further your pest control outside, be sure to store lumber, firewood, and compost far from the house. Place the firewood and lumber on pallets to keep them off the ground.

Use thick plastic or metal trash cans that have tight fitting lids on them to keep out the critters who may want to raid it in the night.

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest. Read more at www.pest-control-central.info

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