


On a Apartment Hunt

When you give your dream home a thought, you may end up thinking about the extra bathrooms or bathrooms of the size of you current bedroom, more storage space, larger kitchen, more living space and probably a huge playroom for your children. When you think of your dream home, you may be thinking about your own home or becoming a home owner. But then, dream homes need not be owned; they can also be rented or leased.

Due to the spiraling costs of home ownership, many people are looking towards their dream homes the rental way. The rented properties available today have come a long way in offering more than the four walls with a roof. Many a resources are available today on the internet for apartment finding.

The following tips can keep you in good stead while you start finding your own apartment. 1. Put yourself in the tenacious mood and get your sunny side up. You may need to make a number of phone calls and leave numerous messages across secretaries.

Use tact and make sure that your calls are answered quickly, at least in the next 24 hours or so. Make sure to leave your local phone number with every call you make. 2. Always carry your check book while apartment hunting.

Once you see an apartment that suits your tastes and looks like your dream, co not let it go by letting someone beat you to it. Good apartments are hard to find in the first place and have a very short shelf life in the market. Be decisive, no point repenting later. 3. Always collect all local rental information before you commence your first apartment sighting.

You may need to fill out a few applications. They are simple and comprehensive and most home-owners accept them. 4. Keep your credit report handy, it will come in use to ward off competition and will give you an edge over the others.

It also impresses home-owners because of your honesty and preparedness. You will also save money by not getting into needless mailing of credit report to every home-owner you come across. 5. Make sure you are well dressed for the sighting as though you are going to a job interview. After all it is an interview and in most respects, the conversation is more or less the same. Home-owners tend to shortlist and select from it, so make sure the first impression counts.

Home-owners generally look for: o A renter who is able and responsible enough to pay rent at a stipulated time every month. o A renter or tenant who will treat the home-owner and the home with proper care and respect. o A tenant who is quiet and does not disturb other tenants or neighbors. 6. Be punctual and try not to cancel any appointments with the home-owners. No-show is not taken kindly by home-owners.

7. Never get de-motivated, finding your dream apartment is not easy, but is worth the effort. Always keep your chin up, use the phone to your advantage and always sound happy and cheerful!.

For more information on apartment finding, please visit apartment finder.

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