When you are searching for a exotic car transport company ask if exotic and vehicle shipping is their main focus or a sideline of another business, further find out if they contract out shipping jobs to third parties. Quality exotic auto transport companies have everything you need for your car to travel with them. There are a couple of things considered by a car transport company before they quote you: distance, vehicle size, delivery location or specialty enclosed transport request. Schedule your auto transport at least 4 weeks before move, giving enough time to arrange for a car carrier to pick up your vehicle. If you are promised exact dates, get it in writing and state the remedy if service is not performed on promise dates. If the pickup or delivery site is non-accessible, an alternative site such as nearby local shopping center or large parking lot should be considered Dealing with Car Transport Company.
Notify the driver as early as possible. While some car transporters may not require payment in advance, others require a deposit, or full payment in advance. If a deposit is given, amount due is always required at time of delivery - often times with a cashier's check or cash (COD). Often times, there are moments when the truck has one space for an extra car ready to take off.
Yet it will use the same fuel if it is heading to your location of delivery. So, rather than move with an empty space, they might as well transport your car for peanuts.
Learn More About How Of Successfully Transport Your Exotic Auto At Auto Transport Service and With Exotic Car Transporter and Exotic Car Transporter.