


Wheelchair Lifts for the Home

A wheelchair lift is a mechanical devise that is used to lift wheelchairs. There are so many different types of wheelchair lifts in the market today. These allow easy mobility at home and outside of the home. Wheelchair lifts are mainly of two types, for use at home and for use when traveling, to be used for cars and vans.

The lifts used at home are either permanent or portable. Permanent lifts are fixed lifts that cannot be moved and portable ones as the name suggests are lifts that can be taken everywhere. Permanent lifts are installed when the construction is going or can be introduced during renovation.

Portable lifts are more in demand as they offer a solution for people who may wish to use them at multiple locations or if they are using them only temporarily in cases of temporary disability. They can be compressed to fit through a 3-foot doorway. These lifts can be used when there is a need and then stored away. They come in two designs, foldable and retracting. Platform wheelchair lifts are the answer to difficult mobility within a home with multi levels. They are either inclined or vertical.

The person in the wheelchair places the wheelchair in the center of the lift. Most models come with 2-inch sides to prevent the chair from rolling off. The lift controls are fixed to the wall side of the lift, so that the user can activate the lift. Once at the bottom or at the top, the platform folds itself compactly to the side and does not occupy any space. They come as semi-automatic and automatic.

With the automatic models, it is not necessary to use any muscle power. They are very durable and sturdy and are considered best for daily use. They come in two types: hydraulic and electric. The benefit of having hydraulic a wheelchair lift is that it does not need electricity, so it can be used even when there is no power. The disadvantage is the price as they are significantly more expensive than the electric type lifts. The electric wheelchair lift is reasonably priced and some also come with a batter back up, which is good enough for power outages.

With the choices of wheelchair lifts to be used at home, and several manufacturers bring out little additions to add comfort; it certainly is no problem dealing with disability.

Read more about applications for wheelchair lifts and how your home can be fitted with a vertical wheelchair lift by visiting www.usmedicalsupplies.com.

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